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Free Courses to Advance Your Front-End Development Skills

If you are a fresh graduate or someone looking to change your career path to front-end development, you are in the right place. In this blog post, we help you find the free courses required to kick-start your career as a front-end developer. 

As a fresh graduate, starting your career can be daunting, especially if you’re interested in front-end development. However, with the right mindset and resources, you can set yourself up for success. One great way to get started is by taking advantage of free online courses.

To help you continue learning and improving your skills, we have compiled a list of free courses and resources for you to access. These resources will help you enhance your skills and knowledge in front-end development and soft skills, making you better equipped to excel in your career. Here are some free online courses available at scrimba that can help you master front-end development skills: 

    Front-end development involves building user interfaces and web applications using HTML, CSS,  JavaScript, and react. 

    HTML & CSS

    Learning HTML and CSS is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to build web pages and style them using CSS. This course covers the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, including HTML tags, CSS selectors, layout techniques, and responsive design.


    JavaScript is a foundational skill for front-end development, and the recommended course will teach you the basics of the language. It covers topics such as variables, functions, loops, conditionals, and objects. You’ll also learn how to manipulate the DOM and handle events.


    React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and this course will teach you how to use it. You’ll learn how to create components, manage state, and handle user input. The course also covers React hooks and context API.


    The recommended course about design will teach you how to create visually appealing and user-friendly designs for your web applications. You’ll learn design principles such as typography, color, layout, and hierarchy, and how to apply them to your designs.


    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features. The free online course will teach you the basics of TypeScript, including types, interfaces, classes, and modules. You’ll also learn how to integrate TypeScript into your React projects.

    React Router

    React Router is a popular library for handling client-side routing in React applications. The course recommended to learn react-router will teach you how to use it to create multi-page applications with smooth transitions and URLs.

    Platforms to Practice Coding

    We understand that coding requires continuous learning and practice to excel, and we want to help you sharpen your coding skills. It is essential to possess strong coding skills to succeed in the workplace in the IT industry. Fortunately, there are various other online resources that can help you improve your coding skills. For example:


    Hackerrank helps you improve your problem-solving skills. However, it is important to avoid seeking help from the discussion board, as this can discourage learning and solving problems on your own.


    This website offers coding challenges and resources for various programming languages, including JavaScript. This can help you improve your problem-solving skills and prepare for technical interviews.


    Codesignal offers coding challenges and assessments for various programming languages and skill levels. It can help you improve your coding skills and get feedback on your progress.

    Communication Foundations-Free Course

    In the tech industry, possessing strong technical skills alone is not enough to succeed. Soft skills such as communication is highly valued by employers. This course covers essential communication skills such as active listening, empathy, conflict resolution, and effective feedback. That’s why we highly recommend taking advantage of this free online course to develop and improve these essential soft skills.

    Lastly, we encourage you to update your LinkedIn profile and visit our careers page for job searching. We believe that you have the potential to make a significant impact in the tech industry, and we hope that you continue to pursue your passion for coding.

    In conclusion, these free courses and resources are an excellent way for you to continue your learning journey and enhance your skills in web development and soft skills. These resources can help you build a strong foundation in web development, open doors to lucrative career opportunities, and equip you with skills essential to succeed in the tech industry. 

    Remember, learning is a never-ending journey, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

    Taking advantage of free online courses is a great way to advance your skills and build your career as a front-end developer. These courses will give you a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, design, TypeScript, and routing, which are essential skills in today’s job market.

    By investing your time and effort into learning these skills, you’ll be setting yourself up for success and increasing your chances of landing a fulfilling job in front-end development. So don’t be afraid to start learning today, and who knows where it may lead you in the future.

    We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. We hope that these free resources will help you continue to learn and grow as a developer.

    Feel free to contact us for assistance!

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