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Covid 19 Application

This application provides a vital tool to track the patient’s health condition. It provides multiple features to help users determine their risk factors. It also prescribes the next step to users based on their responses. This application also lets the users know their status and provides information regarding the doctor’s call on their number.

Covid 19 cover

Data Collection

This feature asks the user if they are facing any or most of the main symptoms of Covid. Then depending on the response, it suggests to them the precautionary steps they need to take.

data collection
share assessment

Share Assessment

This option presents an assessment to the users based on their symptoms. It tells them the severity of the infection; how it analyzed this assessment, when should they expect a call from the doctor, and immediate recommendations based on their health conditions.

Track Danger Zone

It allows users to track the danger zone around them by showing the affectees and their corresponding severity. It further tells the current status of the affected ones and the recommendations accordingly.

track danger zone

Technologies used

react native
React Native
node js
Node JS
react native
React JS
Covid 19 banner